Tuesday, April 03, 2007

More Stills from Tioman Island, Malaysia

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When you arrive on Tioman Island before you are allowed to step foot outside of the airport, you must pay a mandatory conservation charge of 5 Ringgits. The money goes to preserving wildlife, particularly at the Marine Park which is pictured below. The park was just an inlet near Tekek Village. We were allowed to get off the boat and go diving here. Sea turtles, tropical fish, etc.

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These rocks were situated about 200 feet off the shoreline of Coral Island. Coral Island is a small land mass located off the northwestern shore of the much larger Tioman Island. Although it may look shallow in the picture, the depth of the water beside the rocks dropped approximately 30 feet. I took this picture from the boat.

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The great view from the porch of my hotel room.

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Posted by John @ 11:42 AM