Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Fort San Domingo in Danshuei

For a long period of time, Taiwan suffered from an identity crisis. Danshuei, Taiwan, which was first occupied by the Dutch, eventually was taken over by Spain. The Spaniards were quickly superseded by the resurgent Dutch, but then Portugal stepped in, followed by the Chinese and, lastly, Japan.

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Fort San Domingo's construction began under Spanish rule but was later completed under Dutch sovereignty. Further on, the fort fell into the hands of the British and was converted into a consulate. Penultimately, the location was shared by Australia and the United States. Today it is maintained as an historic, national landmark.

Posted by John @ 9:35 AM

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Reminds me a lot of Hawaii. Absolutely Beautiful! Is the weather warm there?

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 11:31 AM #

The weather has cooled off this week. Upper sixties right now at 10:45PM. I'd like to live on one of those mountains for a while - like the one in this footage. Rain clouds seem to get stuck on them. It looks cool.

Posted by Blogger John @ 10:43 PM #

It is Dec. 1st and it's 69 degrees. It is pouring here tonight and the kids are in their bathing suits outside running in the rain. Can you say GLOBAL WARMING! Anyway, yes I know what you mean about the clouds being stuck on top of the mountains. When we were in Hawaii Derek would say..."It's time to retreat to my great house in the clouds". In Hawaii people would build huge houses way up there.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 11:15 AM #
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